I knew when I saw the delicious, vibrant reds in Judie Rothermel's fabric line,
Party of Twelve, they would be perfect in...
Saltbox Sampler by Kim Diehl
Of course, the bubble gum pink and poison greens were the icing on the cake!
(I hope I got those hue descriptions right. I am still learning the reproduction lingo.)
And I cannot resist a 'house' quilt, especially if it has a scrappy pieced border.
Those of you with good eyes can see that there is a border missing...
waiting for a perfect toasty piece of Jo Morton to arrive at
We spent last week celebrating my granddaughter's 1st birthday...
jeez how time flies,
especially when you are having so much fun!
Now to resume working on a few projects on my WIP list...
the first being a quilt for my granddaughter!